What’s the Difference Between a Patio, Veranda, Pergola and Lean-To?

Patio, veranda, pergola or lean to? How do these great outdoor options differ? In this post, Frank’s Home Décor Centre discusses the difference between patios, pergolas, verandas and lean-tos. We also consider whether patio roofing is right for your Queensland home.

To learn more about what we offer Queensland residents, or to purchase an insulated patio roof, contact us now!

Patios and Pergolas

Patios and pergolas are popular alfresco areas. A patio is a waterproof roofed area outside the back door, which is used as an outdoor living space. Patios are often furnished with an outdoor table and chairs.

Pergolas, by contrast, are usually timber or aluminium structures designed for climbing plants that create shade in the garden. A pergola is an attached or free-standing frame in the garden with an open roof.

Whilst patios are often seen as extensions to the house, pergolas are designed to fit in with your garden and landscaping design.

Verandas, Lean-Tos and Carport Designs

Verandas are outdoor areas adjacent to the house that transition your home from the inside to the outside. Verandas are often longer spaces that offer shade and feature closed roofing. Many Australian verandas feature timber decking and railings.

Lean-tos refer to smaller subsidiary structures that appear to lean on or be supported by the house. They may be a greenhouse or a shed with a mono pitch roof that is built as an extension of the house. A lean-to may also be a pitched roofing structure, such as what is used in carport designs, featuring no open sides and no walls.

Choose Your Patio Roofing: Single Skin or Insulated Patio Roofing

As we add new features to our patios, such as insulated patio roofing and room enclosures, we extend the definition of the patio and the possibilities for patio living. Adding these additions can create extra lifestyle spaces to entertain your family and add value to your home.

If you opt for insulated roofing, you can also benefit from great energy savings on the costs of your heating and cooling bills.

Contact Frank’s Home Decor Centre for help when choosing or installing your perfect patio roofing in Queensland.